This film reminded me of Calvary, in its strange indecision about whether it was satire or horror. Overall I am glad that I saw it - the first scene a5 a party on a New York rooftop is one of the funniest send-ups of self-obsessed ambitious bubble dwelling urban youth that I've ever seen. Hundred per cent as the characters in it would say.
The Texan characters meanwhile recalled the family in the Australian film The Castle. The New Yorkers' attitude to them is that of 19th century travellers to exotic locations on encountering strange local fauna. There is a lot of comedy wrought from the contrast between cityfolk and countryfolk.
And then kerboom, just like Calvary, the film turns unimaginably dark.
And then it ends.
Hmm. Something of a jolt of discontinuity there - possibly intended, but it seemed clumsy to me.
Never mind - in addition to the funny opening scene, the film is worth seeing for Ashton Kuchner's performance. I've never seen him before but in this movie he is wonderful.